Committed to providing efficient and professional comprehensive solutions for Perkins engines
When you need to get the best profit from the engine, you also need to get the best profit from the components, Perkins original filter, consistent quality assurance, to ensure the best performance of the engine.
Perkins Ecoplus fuel filters remove particles smaller than 4 microns in size, 10 times finer than fiber optics. It separates fine particles and water from the fuel that can cause damage and corrosion to nozzles and injectors. These contaminants can leach into the fuel during transportation, storage, and injection into the engine, resulting in difficult engine starts, dramatic increases in fuel consumption, reduced power, and ultimately component failure.
Retains carbon and metal contamination to keep lubricating oil clean. The oil filter for the 4.4-liter engine can filter 80,000 liters of oil every 24 hours, which can fill two tankers. Without an effective filter and regular oil changes, contaminants can build up on engine components and oil circuits, resulting in blocked oil flow and a drop in oil pressure that can damage the turbocharger and crankshaft, connecting rods, and camshaft bearings Abnormal wear has occurred.
In a polluted city, there are 2.5 tons of dust and sand per cubic mile of air, and every particle of dust and sand has the potential to damage your engine. The entry of dust may damage the turbocharger and intake valve. It gets worse if it goes into the fuel cycle. Original Perkins air filters block 99.99% of particles, thus avoiding damage to valves, piston rings and turbochargers while maximizing the free flow of air in and out.
Perkins filters filter out all impurities so your engine can breathe.
The enterprise information— The new Lei Shing Hong Perkins website is about to launch—The new ve
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China will implement new "off-road Country 4 emission standards". DPF (Diesel particle fil
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Perkins has always maintained a leading position in the field of high performance engines, with a co
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